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Easy way to get

you started

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Discover the power of


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the future

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making it

About Flyrobot Edutech

Discovering the Robotic field with hand on stem learning experience. To inspire wonder & ignite creativity through the exploration of science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM).

Invent the Future

Unleash Your Creativity

Join the Adventure

Start Making it

Total STEM Solution

Developing the future with Robotic and hand on stem learning experiences

Step One

Introductory Demo Presentation(For director, Principal, Owner, Management, Science/Maths teachers, students, parents for free of charge)

Step Two

Teacher training & certification at school center of excellence(for Science/Maths Teacher. charge per teacher

Step Three

Year long STEM program into school, college timetable

Step four

Franchise center opening

Lab Setup Facility

If you are looking to help your student by giving lab facility then we the flyrobot edutech are there to support you in this. Though our innovative lab, the creativity & curiosity of young student with the hand on education aspect of science & technology.

It will be very easy for your student to learn & build your career in Robotic.with focus on robot building & science base activities, It will enhance the technological aspect bring the change into the students such as critical thinking, problem solving, decision making & hand motor coordination. Our Robotic lab will be equipped with latest components & instruments . Convert them into a solution in the form of working robots or engaging science experiment.

Service : we provide our lab setup facility to school , college & franchise institute get an integrated stem robotic lab & global standard robotic program.

Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3

Some Scientific Thoughts

Scientists bring more than just a toolbox of techniques to their work. They have to decide the best ways to work with others and exchange information.